Search Results | Showing 1 - 10 of 52 results for "Australian Carbon Credit Units" |
| | ... Norton Rose Fullbright, and others, wrote to ASIC for clarification. The regulator said SMCs, like Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs) and other eligible international emissions units (EIEUs), are considered financial products under the Corporations ... |
| | | ... power nearly 5 million homes. CER's Quarterly Carbon Market Report for Q2 2024 includes data on Australian carbon credit units (ACCUs), large-scale generation certificates (LGCs), and small-scale technology certificates (STCs). By the end of the year ... |
| | | ... Origination Fund is one of the first funds in Australia to invest in large-scale, high-integrity Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs) produced through land reforestation. Silva Capital is aiming to raise $250 million for the fund, targeting wholesale ... |
| | | ... Conscious Investment Management (CIM) has partnered with an environmental non-profit to jointly develop Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs) under the environmental planting methodology. The first acquisition under the partnership will restore biodiversity ... |
| | | ... also responds to changes in the regulatory landscape for carbon markets since May 2015, including Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs). An ASIC spokesperson told FS Sustainability: "As the consultation paper (CP) notes, we are seeking feedback on proposed ... |
| | | ... projects are registered with the Clean Energy Regulator, so all carbon projects held by CCI generate Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs). CCI, an unlisted public company, will sell all issued and outstanding ordinary share holdings to Sandon Capital ... |
| | | ... leaving farmers vulnerable. "Last year we welcomed the recommendation of the Chubb Review that the Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCU) system be overhauled. We also consider that the Chubb Review itself didn't go far enough in its findings to ensure ... |
| | | ... project developer CO2 Australia, at $0.00091 per share. The developer has not yet generated any Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCU), but has registered nine projects across Queensland and New South Wales with the Clean Energy Regulator. Avatar Industries ... |
| | | ... this year. The carbon exchange is intended to allow for the trading, clearing and settlement of Australian carbon credit units (ACCU). CER first sought expressions of interest for participants to develop Australia's first carbon exchange in 2021, with ... |
| | | The price of Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs) is likely to double by 2035, meaning that companies should act now to reduce or abate emissions, according to EY. EY has published Changing Gears: Australia's Carbon Market Outlook 2023, which ... |