Search Results | Showing 21 - 30 of 52 results for "Clean Energy Regulator" |
| | ... claims," Rickard said in a speecha. "We are working closely with other regulators, including ASIC and the Clean Energy Regulator. We will be taking a coordinated approach to addressing the broad range of issues relating to sustainability. "The ACCC won't ... |
| | | ... Greenhouse and Energy Reporting scheme (NGERS). Companies must report their emissions under NGERS. The Clean Energy Regulator maintains the Safeguard Mechanism. If emitters do not meet the baseline, they have to offset their activities through the purchase ... |
| | | ... separation of governance, ACCU purchasing and method development functions currently administered by the Clean Energy Regulator (CER), with legislative and administrative changes so the CER provides more project and scheme information and legislative ... |
| | | ... Rickard said in a speech this week. "We are working closely with other regulators, including ASIC and the Clean Energy Regulator. We will be taking a coordinated approach to addressing the broad range of issues relating to sustainability. "The ACCC won't ... |
| | | ... eligible to generate Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs) under the blue carbon methodology announced by the Clean Energy Regulator in January this year, said According to HSBC Australia's head of corporate sustainability Alpa Bhattacharjee. "From ... |
| | | ... carbon credit markets and manages projects governed by the California Air Resources Board, the Australian Clean Energy Regulator, and the New Zealand EPA, and said they expect to be increasingly involved in the voluntary carbon market, particularly given ... |
| | | ... dioxide equivalent that is either stored or avoided by a project registered with the federal government's Clean Energy Regulator. To offset their carbon footprint, institutions purchase ACCUs on the open market and then surrender them to the regulator. ... |
| | | ... CEFC's support to facilitate the project," Gandhi said. In April, Orica was awarded a contract by the Clean Energy Regulator (CER) to purchase up to about 3.4 million Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs) for a fixed price over seven years. |
| | | ... Greenhouse and Energy Reporting scheme (NGERS). Companies must report their emissions under NGERS. The Clean Energy Regulator maintains the Safeguard Mechanism. If emitters do not meet the baseline, they have to offset their activities through the purchase ... |
| | | ... Greenhouse and Energy Reporting scheme (NGERS). Companies must report their emissions under NGERS. The Clean Energy Regulator maintains the Safeguard Mechanism. "The Safeguard Mechanism would need some legislative changes, but not many," Connor said. ... |