Search Results | Showing 1 - 10 of 137 results for "ACCR" |
| | ... Active Super have all been caught in the crosshairs. The hearing of the Australasian Centre for Corporate Responsibility's (ACCR) claims against Santos took place on Monday, with the case due to conclude on Friday. At the nexus of climate and the future ... |
| | | Superannuation being used for house deposits would push up home prices, undermining Australians' home ownership prospects, slash retirement savings, and come at a significant cost to the Budget, according to a Corinna Economic Advisory report by ... |
| | | Schroders has quietly changed its exclusion policy and sustainable fund offering, all while issuing a disclaimer on ESG. The active investment manager dropped the word 'Sustainable' from its Schroder Sustainable Global Core Fund; the fund will now be ... |
| | | ... Kwan, an international arbitration lawyer, became general counsel for the Australasian Centre for Corporate Responsibility (ACCR) in July, after nearly a decade at King & Wood Mallesons. ACCR executive director Brynn O'Brien praised Kwan's move as "courageous" ... |
| | | ... political lobbying activities are a greenwashing risk, a breach of public trust, and a form of investor deception, according to ACCR. This week, a prominent shareholder advocacy group announced it cut ties after a year-long engagement on climate-related ... |
| | | ... investment portfolio. Shareholder advocacy and research nonprofit, the Australasian Centre for Corporate Responsibility (ACCR), surveyed 500 global investors in steelmaking, iron ore and metallurgical coal mining. A large proportion of respondents were ... |
| | | Two of the nation's largest infrastructure fund managers have attracted major assets to its A$700 million renewable energy program. Critical infrastructure assets and healthcare assets have signed on to the final stage of a power purchase agreement ... |
| | | Australian Ethical has struck a deal to acquire Altius Asset Management, the sustainable fixed income business of Australian Unity, a move that will see its funds under management (FUM) swell by $2 billion. The acquisition will see both firms merge ... |
| | | ... companies fail to step into line." Woodside and Santos did not comment. The Australasian Centre for Corporate Responsibility (ACCR) recently accused Santos of not maximising returns for shareholders in its current capex heavy production growth strategy. ... |
| | | Carbon markets developer and investor GreenCollar has invested in a carbon, energy and sustainability advisory firm to increase end-to-end services to business. The partnership with EnergyLink Services is designed to help GreenCollar increase its reach ... |