Search Results | Showing 1 - 10 of 10 results for "Anna Skarbek" |
| | ... Authority announced board appointments in chair Iain Ross, Tony Maher, Mike Mrdak, Michele O'Neil, Robynne Quiggin, Anna Skarbek, and Zoe Whitton. This comes as the Net Zero Economy Authority Act officially commences this week. |
| | | ... Kristy Graham, outgoing Responsible Investment Association Australasia (RIAA) CEO Simon O'Connor, ClimateWorks CEO Anna Skarbek, and Australian Land Conservation Alliance CEO Jody Gunn. NAB global sustainable finance head David Jenkins, ANZ sustainable ... |
| | | ... Trade Unions president Michele O'Neil, UTS pro-vice chancellor Robynne Quiggin, ClimateWorks chief executive Anna Skarbek, Mining and Energy Union general president Tony Maher, and BHP chief technical officer Laura Tyler. |
| | | ... period, equates to roughly $20.8 billion per year if Australia is to remain on track to limit warming to 1.5ÂșC," said Anna Skarbek, CEO, Climateworks Centre, which is based at Monash University. "Around two thirds of this investment is in the energy ... |
| | | ... companies to understand net zero pathways in heavy industry and identify how to achieve them," said ClimateWorks CEO Anna Skarbek. "As the world rapidly shifts focus to a 1.5-degree trajectory, we welcome both Westpac and the CEFC to the Australian Industry ... |
| | | ... owned almost half of Australia's shares; by 2040, experts suggest they will own 60% of ASX-listed equity," said Anna Skarbek, ClimateWorks Australia CEO. "That means the decisions they make matter enormously to the rapid decarbonisation of the Australian ... |
| | | ... University (ANU). The biggest changes needed to decarbonise the Australian economy is in energy and carbon forestry, said Anna Skarbek, Climate Works Australia executive director. Anna Skarbek, executive director, ClimateWorks Australia ClimateWorks ... |
| | | ... Broadbent has been named chair of the Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC), with Michael Carapiet, Ian Moore, Anna Skarbek and Andrew Stock also named to the CEFC board. Broadbent, a member of the board of the Reserve Bank, chaired the CEFC expert ... |
| | | ... Treasury's modelling of domestic abatement through the carbon price alone, said ClimateWorks Australia Executive Director, Anna Skarbek. The reduction in carbon pollution stem from the introduction of a carbon price and the combined impact of all of ... |
| | | ... impact of introducing energy efficient initiatives and the material contributions can make to retail businesses," said Anna Skarbek, executive director, ClimateWorks. ClimateWorks Australia is a partnership between the Myer Foundation and Monash University ... |