Search Results | Showing 1 - 10 of 12 results for "Carol Adams" |
| | ... teaches sustainability accounting at New York University and is one of two academics alongside Melbourne-based chair Carol Adams who is a professor at Durham University. "I particularly look forward to working with all stakeholders and constituencies ... |
| | | ... commitment to an aligned, efficient, and feasible EU and global ecosystem for impact reporting," van der Enden said. Carol Adams, chair of the GRI Global Sustainability Standards Board (GSSB), said the interoperability index will enable GRI reporters ... |
| | | ... Foundation, IOSCO, EFRAG, and others working towards global alignment on a corporate reporting system." However, Professor Carol Adams, a professor of accounting at Swinburne Business School and Durham University Business School, expressed concerns. ... |
| | | ... have released a paper outlining recommendations on disclosing for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Professor Carol Adams The Sustainable Development Goal Disclosure (SDGD) Recommendations are designed to align with and support the recommendations ... |
| | | ... published a discussion paper with recommendation on disclosing for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Professor Carol Adams Jointly authored by Professor Carol Adams, Russell Picot and Paul Druckman, Recommendations for SDG Disclosures: A consultation ... |
| | | ... Australian market mean that companies must think through their sustainability reporting strategies, experts said. Carol Adams, Director, Integrated Horizons; Stakeholder Council Member, Global Reporting Initiative Speaking at a panel discussion at the ... |
| | | ... corporate action, according to a new report from the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA). Professor Carol Adams The ACCA report, Paragraph 47: international perspectives one year on, features analysis from 49 sustainability reporting ... |
| | | ... of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) and the Netherlands Institute of Chartered Accountants (NBA). Professor Carol Adams The International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) defines capitals as financial capital, manufactured capital, intellectual ... |
| | | Carol Adams has been named director of the secretariat for the AA1000 standards series at global think tank and advisory services firm AccountAbility. Carol Adams Adams, pro vice-chancellor (Sustainability) and professor at La Trobe University, has ... |
| | | ... report, the process can bring internal and external stakeholders together to discuss targets and develop plans, said Carol Adams, pro vice-chancellor (sustainability), La Trobe University. "You have to go through a process of involving people and determining ... |